Sakura arabic massage center

Tel: +971509197493

Address: Jumeirah – Dubai – United Arab Emirates

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The recipient of a traditional Thai massage wears clothing during the procedure and no oils or lotions are used. Although there is constant body contact between the masseur and the masseur, the body is compressed, pulled, stretched, and rocked rather than having the muscles rubbed. This practise includes the idea of metta (love-giving tenderness) meditation, which is based on Buddhist teachings. The effectiveness of the practise is also stressed by well-known practitioners as being dependent on meditation and personal commitment on the side of the practitioner.

In the body, it typically conforms to certain habits of one’s own (seine [spiritual contingency network]). The masseuse’s feet and legs might be used to mould their physique or limbs. In other positions, the feet massage while the hand adjusts the body’s position. Sessions may get together to relax on the beach and enjoy the session. This could entail yanking on the massage therapist’s hands, toes, and ears, popping, walking on their back, and shifting their body into various postures. Wake up to the traditional Thai manner and a certain rhythm, which gives it the profession of a massage therapist.

Traditional Thai stretching massage considerably enhances the “patient’s” complete body, particularly the musculoskeletal system. Every movement is made slowly and smoothly, which has a significant calming impact as well as positive effects on the body as a whole Unlike Arabic massage and Swedish massage.

We work hard to make Rosita massage Center in Dubai a welcoming and exciting location for you.